Nollywood rituals -


Nollywood Veteran Kanayo O. Kanayo Slams Government’s New Restrictions on Rituals in Film Content



Veteran Nollywood actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has joined forces with other prominent figures in Nigeria’s movie industry to vehemently oppose the government’s new restrictions on rituals and other seemingly negative portrayals in film, music video, and skit content.

The Minister of Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy, Hannatu Musawa, had approved the “Prohibition of Money Ritual, Ritual Killing, Tobacco, Tobacco Products, Nicotine Product Promotion and Glamorisation display in Movies, Musical Videos and Skits” Regulations 2024, under section 65 of the NFVCB Act 2004.

Kanayo O. Kanayo who is widely famed for his portrayal of rituals in Nollywood movies strongly criticized the policy, labeling it “arrant nonsense.” He questioned the reasoning behind Barrister Hannatu Musa Musawa’s endorsement of such constraints on filmmakers, stating, “Arrant nonsense. This minister has no work, just like Lai Mohammed.”

See his comment below;

Veteran musician Mike Okri also expressed skepticism about the government’s intentions, suggesting that the ban might be an attempt to undermine the film industry. The move has sparked widespread outrage and concern among industry professionals, who fear that such restrictions will stifle creativity and freedom of expression.

As the debate continues, it remains to be seen how the industry will adapt to these new restrictions and whether they will have a significant impact on the creative output of Nigerian filmmakers.
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