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‘Your Days Of Profiting Off Our Lives Are Numbered’ – Female Activist Challenges Shell Over Crimes In Niger Delta (video)



A British Female activist, Mikaela Loach, has boldly exposed criminal activities carried out in Niger Delta, Nigeria, by giant oil company, Shell.

In a post she shared on her Instagram page @mikaelaloach, accompanied with a video, she said Shell is afraid of telling the truth about their crimes in the Niger Delta.

She alleged that for years, Shell  poisoned millions of people across the Niger Delta with oil spills and gas flaring. 

Mikaela maintained that Shell knows that the cases coming for them in the UK courts this year could financially ruin them adding that as Niger Delta is rising up to demand justice, Shell is trying to sell off its assets and escape.

The passionate activist disclosed further, “I went to Shell’s AGM to share a message on behalf of @wtpnigeria comrades. My hands were shaking, tears fell from my eyes as security surrounded me, but nothing there was even close to what our siblings in the Niger Delta are forced to experience as a result of Shell’s extraction. It was an honour to share their words and stories. Shell will fall, the Delta will get justice. I believe that we will win.’

As captured in the video she shared on her Instagram which has gone viral, Mikaela gave a detailed account of the criminal activities of Shell in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, in a paper she delivered at the Shell’s AGM.

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The paper read, “On account of your fossil fuel production in the Niger Delta in Nigeria, the life expectancy there is currently only between 41 and 46 years of age. That’s younger than most of the people in this room today. How can you be comfortable profiting from limiting the lives of millions of people? The money that lines your pockets and allows you to comfortably grow old prevents that same dignity for people in the Niger Delta. 

“In the 70 years where you made stupendous profits for your shareholders, you transformed the Niger Delta into the most polluted place on earth. And its people are among the poorest and most poisoned.

“In that period, your company has been complicit in flaring gas non-stop at 178 flare points all over the Niger Delta, emitting millions of tonnes of CO2 yearly and poisoning over 40 million people with cancer and other respiratory illnesses. Several reputable studies have established that methane, carbon dioxide and other chemicals from flared gas poison people with cancer, respiratory illnesses, birth defects and diseases of the skin.

The paper stated further, “When it rains, the poisonous chemicals in the atmosphere return to further pollute the soil and rivers, reducing farm fertility and killing fishes. Several scientific reports, including those from the United Nations Environment Programme, have been published, all of them indicting you for massive pollution and poisoning. They have confirmed that your activities have led directly to major health risks and livelihood losses. This is not speculation, these are facts but it feels important now to share a human story.”

With trickles of tears, throats quaking, Mikaela said, “Our friend’s only water source, a hand dug well, has produced nothing but crude oil for three years. In one year alone, our friend unexpectedly lost his sister, his father, and his baby niece. Up until now.

“Shell has refused to accept that its ruptured pipe is the source of the pollution that has contaminated the drinking water of the entire community. I’m sorry, could you maybe ask a question? I’ve said one to two minutes, I’ve already given you four. Sorry, could you ask a question? Thank you, thank you. Heartbreakingly, this is the reality for countless families as a result of your pollution. Who will fix the health of millions of people you have poisoned?

“For years, you have pushed back against the legal case from the Agale and Bile communities, against you for your decades and decades of pollution. The Agale and Bile communities are many of hundreds of communities whose livelihoods have been devastated by Shell and who are now suing Shell this year in the UK courts for a violation of their health and for their right to health and a clean environment. It’s convenient that this case coincides with you selling off your onshore oil assets to shadow consortiums that were conveniently only set up recently.”

Mikaela further read, “Now that the case can be heard in the UK courts, we know that you are rushing to sell off your assets to avoid accountability. You’re attempting to walk away from seven decades of reckless oil extraction and its attendant ecological health and livelihood impacts. As you always have, you’re attempting to avoid justice and reparations.

” We will not let you do that. You will not get away with the disruption of our communities. People across the world are rising up against the Delta and against Shell. Your days of profiting from our destroying our lives are numbered.”

At this point, the moderator of the event was vexed and threatened to walk Mikaela out for extending her time. He said, “You’re going to be asked to leave the audits room. I’ve heard your question. Other people have had more time than me to ask questions.”

Following this, security officers surrounded Mikaela to take her away but the moderator Intervened and allowed her to finish her question. 

He said,  “Leave her for a minute. Security, leave her for a minute.” 

Again, he asked Mikaela, “Could you maybe turn and face the… Could you face the people who you’re asking the question?”

“Yes, I can”, she replied. 

“My question is, who will clean up nearly 70 years’ worth of oil spills and gas flaring in the Niger Delta? Who will fix the health of indigenous people? Who will restore their livelihood?

“I just want you to know that your days of profiting off our lives are numbered. And we will end your profits, we will end your company. You do not deserve to continue profiting from us,” Mikaela ended.

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