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Woman Nabbed For Abducting Day-Old Infant Tells How She Fooled Husband With Fake Pregnancy

By Benjamin Abioye



Okada riders and two on

Maryam Sani, aged 23, has been apprehended for the abduction of a day-old infant from an undisclosed hospital in Ngurore, in Yola South local government area, Adamawa State.

In her statement, Maryam disclosed that she chose not to inform her husband about suffering a miscarriage after three months of pregnancy, prompting her to resort to stealing a baby.

She alleged that AFCOT Hospital, where she had been visiting from Numan for prenatal check-ups, lacked personnel, including nurses.

Maryam admitted that she intentionally avoided visiting her husband as part of her plan to abduct a newborn. She seized the opportunity when the infant’s mother and her relatives were sleeping outside the hospital premises.

“I was at the hospital for a checkup because I was not feeling well, I didn’t carry the newlyborn baby girl for any evil reason, or asked by someone to do so, but because I love her.

“Nobody can suspect me because the community believes I’m pregnant and we did the naming ceremony to her as my own biological baby without my husband knowing how the baby came about,” Maryam said.

Maryam also revealed that she stimulated lactation using medication to breastfeed the abducted baby.

“I got some drugs that made my breast come up with milk and I am using my breast to feed her,” she said.

She was apprehended after the biological parents reported the incident to the police, prompting an investigation that led to her location.

The suspect initially fled to Taraba State to evade arrest when Adamawa Police Command officers raided her residence, resulting in the arrest of her husband.

Following her husband’s arrest, Maryam returned to Adamawa with the baby and was subsequently apprehended.

According to SP Suleiman Nguroje, the Command’s Police Public Relations Officer, the police are committed to preventing criminals from operating freely in Adamawa State. He assured that Maryam would face prosecution in accordance with the law.

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