Dangote Refinery Gives Update On Fire Incident - Green White Green - gwg.ng


Dangote Refinery Gives Update On Fire Incident



Earlier today, a fire incident occurred at the Dangote Refinery in the Lekki area of Lagos, causing concern among residents and stakeholders.

However, the company has now released an official statement, assuring the public that the situation is under control.

According to Anthony Chiejina, Chief Corporate Communications Officer of Dangote Group, the fire occurred at the effluent treatment plant (ETP) and has been swiftly contained. “There is no cause for alarm as the refinery is operating normally, and there are no recorded injuries or bodily harm to any of our staff on duty,” he stated.

This official statement comes after GWG.ng earlier reported that the company was yet to make any official comment on the incident. With this update, it is clear that the situation is being managed, and the refinery continues to function normally.

The prompt response and effective containment of the fire demonstrate the company’s commitment to safety and its preparedness to handle such incidents. The public can now rest assured that the situation is under control, and there is no reason for concern
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