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VeryDarkMan: Obi Cubana Urges Blogs To Stop Enabling Youths Disrespecting Elders



Obi Cubana as Mayor of Peace

Renowned businessman and billionaire, Obi Cubana, has taken a stand against the growing trend of youths disrespecting elders in the public sphere. In an Instagram post, he called on blogs and online media outlets to refrain from giving attention to such behavior, citing that it only enables and encourages further disrespect.

His statement comes on the heels of a clash between social media activist Verydarkman and Paulo Okoye, where Verydarkman had made derogatory remarks about Iyabo Ojo, claiming she was only invited to Davido’s after-party and not the main wedding. Paulo Okoye had criticized Verydarkman’s comments, prompting him to shift his attack to Paulo.

Obi Cubana’s plea to blogs is a call to action, urging them to promote respect and dignity in online discourse. By withholding attention from youths who disrespect elders, he believes we can create a more positive and uplifting online environment.

“Dear blogs; pls stop giving visibility to youth insulting elders! You enable them! We can’t continue to enable rubbish!!! Stop, pls!!!,” he wrote.

Read some netizens reactions to Cubana’s statement below!

unmiitemenu“Let vdm reply Cubana if he is that stubborn”

sapphire_x__x: “Until VDM block every good access he has because of Cho Cho Cho”

gen_da_lib : “All parties involved are “adults “.The insults have gone both ways🤷🏽‍♀️”

vanaulkymoore : “The dog that’s determined to be lost in the forest will not yield to the warning whistle of the hunter!”

sammyogbaok : “If them born very dark man well make e respond to chief”
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