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Hotel Owners, Managers Are The Most Dangerous Rapists, Nigerian Lady Shares Horror Experience



Lady raped by hotel manager

A Nigerian lady has shared an excruciating experience about how she was raped by a hotel manager.

According to a user identified as @freakymaris on X, the harrowing experience of how the lady was raped, leaked on a WhatsApp group. 

Explaining how she got raped, the lady said it happened when her parents began to pressure her to get a job. 

She further narrated that she had no option but seek a job at a hotel belonging to a man she met at Allen Avenue Ikeja, since a job wasn’t forth coming after thorough search.

According to the lady, she was a virgin who promised to keep her virginity for her husband until she met with the horrible experience on the day she went to the hotel to apply for the job.

In her words, “I summoned courage to share this here. Hotel owners are the biggest rapists in the world. My life was going fine until my parents pressured me to go get a job. They sang it like an announcement every morning. I looked for a job but no employment. The search went on until I remembered a man I met at a cafe at Allen Avenue Ikeja who owns a big hotel.”

“I called him and he picked, I explained myself to him and he said he remembered me. I told him I needed a job and he invited me to his hotel. This secret I am sharing haunted me for many years. I shared it with the person who dated me years back after what happened.”

She also pointed out that hotel staff are conspirators in rape cases.

” I want to also add that staff of most hotels are one of the greatest accomplices to crimes. I got to his hotel and asked for him then they said he is expecting me that I should go to his office. I got there and he welcomed me very well, and asked many questions regards my BSc and what role I am applying for, I told him I was fit for customer care/receptionist. 

“During this time he brought alcohol and I told him I was fine with only water. He requested for water by intercom and the water was brought. I drank a little. The topic changed to you will get this job, but do you know why I gave you my complimentary card, I replied no, and he said you are beautiful and I don’t mind taking care of you and sorting any of your bills monthly. I told him I came to work so I could make my own money.

“He said ok let us take a look at the hotel rooms. He called for key and then I walked after him, but I noticed that I staggered when I stood up but my eyes were clear, so didn’t want to feel bothered, gathered myself mentally. He opened the room and I entered then he entered and closed the door. He is big, tall and huge I forgot to mention. He showed me the bathroom, and wardrobes. A nice hotel truly.

“In less than 3 minutes I noticed I was pushed forcefully onto the bed, my eyes were like I just woke up, dizzy and I remember I took water but it was later I understood that the bottled water was not a normal one. 

“I never had sex, I looked pretty but kept my virginity for Mr right, and next thing he forced himself on me. I was weak but struggled with all my strength, then he took a pillow and covered my face and the worst pain of my life penetrated with struggle, he didn’t care that it was not easy to enter but he did and had me …. without mercy.”

“She continued, I struggled and cried, he finished and dragged the bed sheets, away and muttered “I didn’t know you are a virgin, cleanup and meet me in my office you got the job”. I laid on that bed for hours, my eyes cried all it could, I couldn’t walk well to the bathroom. My precious flower has been taken because of getting a job. I cleaned up and left in style but a wise man will understand I have been through hell, I didn’t see the guy that gave me the water but I cursed him.”

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Recalling that the unfortunate experience happened 11 years ago and she is now married with three children she pleaded with other young ladies to learn from her experience and not be ignorant of deceptive rape predators.

“I didn’t go to the hotel owner office, I left, this happened 11 years ago. I don’t want to talk of my parents, they caused it indirectly. I am married with 3kids. It’s been a long walk, you are the second person I am telling. I have moved past it, pray that no one experience it!”

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