LG Autonomy: Tinubu Leading Nigeria To Greatness -Olaosebikan - Green White Green - gwg.ng


LG Autonomy: Tinubu Leading Nigeria To Greatness –Olaosebikan

By Kehinde Olaosebikan



Kehinde Olaosebikan a chieftain of the All Progressive Congress, APC, former Chairman of Oluyole Local Government, and who before then was Chief Press Secretary to  Governor Lam Adesina of Oyo State (1999 to 2003) interrogates the Supreme Court judgment affirming local government autonomy and prizes it as another prescription for good governance by President Bola Tinubu

It is just one of the great accomplishments that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu would achieve for the country. He has already made history with this laudable epochal judgment. He will do much more. He is capable, strategic, and with a strong political will. These are the qualities that the president is deploying in governance, and it is becoming clear that Nigerians are in for a better time.

When I spoke recently that Nigerians would yearn for the president to continue in office in 2027, many people criticized me for being too optimistic about the Tinubu government.

A notable person in the society described my submission to the government then as “morally repulsive.” I didn’t fight him as I just told him that it was my own position, not his. The same man called me last night and simply said “the president means business “and I said, yes. I told him that it was time for all of us to give him our support, believe in his leadership, and be more patriotic. He agreed.”

Before I dwell on the significance of the Supreme Court’s judgment that has emancipated the grassroots from the enemies of progress, I want to make another postulation that the president would satisfy the Labour and Nigerians on the minimum wage. The President’s final decision would be a pleasant surprise to all. He cares and is determined to write his name in gold.

In governance, as it applies to all forms of administration and control, leadership is very key. Leadership determines the height to which a government or an organisation could attain and also the depth it could sink into. That is why it is absolutely important to have strong, capable, and competent persons in leadership.

In the case of Nigeria today, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has gone beyond the display of the three Cs of Competence, Capacity and Care recommended for successful governance and leadership by a former Minister of Education, Dr. Oby Ezekwezili, at the first National Summit, launching the All Progressives Congress on the 15th of March, 2014 at the Congress Hall of Transcorp Hilton Hotel. Tinubu has added strategic governance and political will to the three Cs for outstanding leadership. Ezekwezili spoke as the Keynote Speaker at the Summit

The battle for the autonomy of the 774 local government councils from the greed of the governors began in the year 2000 or thereabout with the successive leaders pursuing a mono line of the National Assembly to accomplish the liberation. From the era of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo to Umaru Yar A’dua to Goodluck Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari spanning over 20 years, none was able to actualize the much desired autonomy for the local governments.

With a precise appointment of one of the best, progressive minded giants in the legal profession in the country, Prince Lateef Fagbemi, as the Attorney General and Justice Minister of the Federation, Tinubu achieved what four former presidents could not achieve for over 20 years in less than 45 days. The suit craving autonomy for the local governments was filed on the 27th of May 2024 and judgment delivered on the 11th of July, 2024.

With an effective strategy and will power, President Tinubu through his Attorney General took a new route of the court and got the local governments liberated swiftly. This is a great accomplishment that should be commended by all.

As a former local government chairman and a deep rooted grassroots politician, I want to say that the liberation would go a long way in solving both the festering problems of insecurity and hunger in the country. All we require now is to have capable, creative, bold and strategic people manning the local governments.

With capable local government chairmen and councillors, not just lackeys of the governors, both the allocated and internally generated resources of each local government area would be used for the peculiar needs of each local government.

Invariably, the Supreme Court judgment has given power back to the people. Nigerians would be more interested in the elections into local government councils and the subsequent activities of the elected chairmen and councillors.

With serious interest and commitment by the people at the grassroots, governors would find it difficult to manipulate local government elections even through their appointed state electoral commissions.

Nigeria is on the right path to genuine greatness. I commend the President for this laudable epochal accomplishment.

Kehinde Olaosebikan is a chieftain of the All Progressive Congress, APC, a former Chairman of Oluyole Local Government, Oyo State and CEO of Midas Communications Ltd.

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