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UK-Based Nigerians Give Reasons Why They Would Rather Take A Flight To Be Treated In Nigeria



Nigerian women share unpleasantexperience in UK hospital

UK Based Nigerian women share experiences on what it means taking treatment from a hospital in the country they presently reside in.

Two Nigerian women who live in the UK have given reasons why they would rather fly back to Nigeria to be treated for an ailment, after their unpleasant experiences in a UK hospital.

The lady who identifies as @omolaraolarerin on X, explained that the UK medical officials ignored her until she showed enough desperation.

She tweeted: “Take care of yourself and try not to fall ill in this country. I almost died in an hospital and still wasn’t attended to. I had to wail like a fresh widow before a nurse attended to me.

“With what my eyes saw at a NHS hospital two days before, I’d rather take a flight to Nigeria to get treated if I fall sick again. Free healthcare my….”

Another X user identified as  @gwenshuga, confirmed the development, backing it up with her  experience. 

“Same thing happened to me they insisted I continue taking paracetamol for ulcer pain,” she said.

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@omolaraolarerin also shared a similar experience of another woman in the said hospital.

 “In the same waiting room, this African woman  that is due for surgery was told to keep taking ibruprofen for her pain which went on for 2 months. 

“And now she has developed liver failure and still no surgery slot for her. The woman was crying in pain and no recourse for her. It was terrible.”

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