VIDEO: Nigerian Soldiers Brutalize Young Man For Wearing Camouflage - Green White Green -


VIDEO: Nigerian Soldiers Brutalize Young Man For Wearing Camouflage



A video has surfaced online showing Nigerian soldiers brutally beating a young man in public for wearing military camouflage. The incident, captured on camera, has sparked widespread outrage and debate on social media.

In the video, the soldiers were seen mercilessly assaulting the young man, who was dressed in a full military camouflage outfit. While the exact reason for the beating remains unclear, it is speculated that the soldiers may have suspected him of impersonation or simply disapproved of a civilian wearing military attire.

Watch the video below;

The footage has elicited mixed reactions from the public. Many commentators condemned the soldiers’ actions, arguing that brutalizing a civilian, regardless of the circumstances, is unacceptable. They emphasize the need for the military to uphold human rights and maintain professionalism, even in situations where there may be concerns about security.

Conversely, some individuals supported the soldiers’ actions, pointing to the current security challenges in Nigeria. They argue that wearing military camouflage without authorization can lead to severe consequences, as it may be used to perpetrate crimes or instill fear among citizens. In a country grappling with security issues, they contend, the young man’s decision to wear a full military kit was reckless and provocative.

Read some netizens’ reactions below on the action of the Nigerian soldiers beating the citizen on camouflage;

@Danielregha: Hello @HQNigerianArmy, there’s no circumstance in which this is right; Even though wearing a camouflage is greatly frowned upon, soldiers brutalizing a civilian is not only sickening but highly unprofessional. Kindly look into this.

@irunnia: I never see them beat Boko Haram like this whenever they wear it. The law states N40 fine or some months in prison. Take them to court and charge them.

@bigmorse: The most likely scenario is that he is impersonating being a soldier. Even at that, he should have been handed over to appropriate authorities. This is too reckless.

@MO_shaibu: Why will someone who’s not a soldier wear a full sojo regalia in this lawless country if the person was not looking for trouble in broad daylight; Nigerians should desist from wearing camouflage until sanity is returned. That being said, what the soldier did is very wrong!

@onlineguru: Two wrongs dont make a rightThe civilian was wrong while the soldier is also wrong stripping him off the camo would have been enough

@maguowo: What nonsense is this , who told Nigeria soldiers that camouflage is prohibited for civilians? The white man that gave us this , there citizens wears those clothes! Why Nigeria is different? Even our soldiers are very unprofessional and lack discipline!

@shile_matrix: Why will he wear a full camou like that it’s obvious he wants to use it for some illegal dealings, and the soldier acted so unprofessional, we have a law that prohibits these things and states it’s pu%ishment why no allow the law takes it course

As of now, the identity of the young man and the specific reasons for the soldiers’ actions remain unknown. The Nigerian military has yet to release an official statement regarding the action of the soldiers beating the citizen on camouflage.
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