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6 Ways  To Tolerate  A Talkative Partner



spouse listen

To have a partner that is talkative  can be disturbing, burdensome and overbearing.  Here are six ways to deal with a talkative partner without necessarily hurting.

Identify the reason why your partner talks too much

If your partner talks too much with everyone, then he or she may need some therapy. Remember also that when someone is talking too much when you are busy, you can always tell them that you don’t have time to listen. It is not rude on your part to openly talk about your inconveniences.

Communicate with your partner

Communication is a huge aspect of any relationship. The ability to have an important conversation with your partner in a calm manner is the definition of lasting togetherness. In a loving way, tell him that you need a little quiet zone from time to time.

Get them engaged in activities

If he or she is talking about things just to fill the silence, then he or she is probably bored or uncomfortable with a lack of mental stimulation. Play games that incorporate a lot of thinking or strategy to give them the opportunity to achieve a goal may be required.

Don’t shout the partner down

Don’t shout the partner down when he or she starts the habit; else it will lead to more problems. You can also choose not to respond. This will make the talkative partner check him or herself because you are not responding.

Be distractingly non-serious

Experts advise that you don’t engage overbearing talkers in serious conversation. Just starve the partner of quality information.

Show empathy

Sometimes people just want to be understood. Most people don’t spill their life history to anyone who listens. They tend to choose people they like and trust.

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