Rita Edochie Weighs In On Sarah Martins' Explosive Post About Friend's Betrayal - Green White Green - gwg.ng


Rita Edochie Weighs In On Sarah Martins’ Explosive Post About Friend’s Betrayal



Nollywood actress Rita Edochie has added her voice to the dramatic unfolding of events involving her junior colleague, Sarah Martins, and her friend’s alleged betrayal.

Sarah had taken to social media to expose her friend plot of snatching another friend’s husband and getting pregnant with his child.

Rita Edochie commented on Sarah’s post, advising her to inform her friend of the situation before it’s too late. “Better tell her on time before it’s late,” she wrote.

Sarah responded, revealing that her friend had already seen the post and was packing her belongings to leave the house. “She has already seen this post, and she’s currently packing her things,” Sarah replied.

This development comes amidst Rita Edochie’s ongoing criticism of women who engage in relationships with married men. Since her nephew, Yul Edochie, married his second wife, Judy Austin, Rita has been vocal about her disapproval.

Rita has repeatedly called out Judy and other women in similar situations, warning them of the consequences of their actions. In a previous post, she cautioned Judy that she cannot steal someone’s joy and expect to have peace, hinting that her actions would ultimately lead to her downfall.

Rita’s stance on the matter has sparked a heated debate, with some praising her for speaking out against marital infidelity and others criticizing her for meddling in her nephew’s personal life.
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