Court Grants Nigerian Woman Divorce From Poor Husband - Green White Green -


Court Grants Nigerian Woman Divorce From Poor Husband

By Mujidat Oyewole



Ilorin, Sept. 25, 2024 (NAN) An Area Court at Centre-Igboro in Ilorin on Wednesday granted the divorce request of a Nigerian housewife, Bashirat Mohammed from her husband, Toyin Ajibola on grounds of his lack of money.

The presiding judge, Hammad Ajumonbi, while delivering ruling said that even though Ajibola did not want to release his wife she still needed to move on not be left stranded.

He therefore dissolved the Islamic marriage and granted custody of the three children from the marriage to the wife.

The court also ordered the woman to observe the three months iddah (waiting) period before she could remarry.

Ajumonbi ordered Ajibola to be responsible for the feeding of the children to the best of his ability.

“He should have unrestricted access to the children and the mother should always make the children available any time their father requested,” the judge said.

Earlier, the Nigerian housewife, Mohammed had applied for divorce saying she was tired of the marriage due to lack of money and her husband’s irresponsibility.

“I want the court to grant me divorce so I can have rest of mind,” she said.

The husband, however, told the court that he was still interested in his wife even though he was financially handicapped.

“I have been trying hard to get money to feed my family, but couldn’t.

“It is so painful that I can’t get money to visit her and the children when they left home,” the said of the divorce request by his wife that was not remote from the difficult living conditions that have hit many an Nigerian. (NAN)

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