6 Things You Should Never Say To Your Elderly Parents - Green White Green - gwg.ng


6 Things You Should Never Say To Your Elderly Parents



When it comes to talking to elderly parents, it’s important to choose our words carefully.

Even with the best intentions, some phrases used when talking to elderly parents can unintentionally cause hurt or frustration. Here are six things you should avoid saying to your aging parents.

You are too old to understand

Take the time to explain things clearly and patiently, and you might be surprised at how much they can understand. You remember that wisdom does not come with expiration date.

Let me do it,  You are too old

Offer assistance when they need it, but let them take the lead. It’s all about showing them that you believe in their abilities, no matter their age.

You’re always complaining

Show them that you care about what they have to say, even if it’s not always rainbows and sunshine. Sometimes, just having someone to vent to can make all the difference.

You’re being stubborn

Stubbornness can be a tough nut to crack, especially when it comes to your elderly parents, hence you may need tact when talking to them on some issues. But labeling them as stubborn isn’t exactly helpful.

You’re  being too sensitive

Show a little empathy and let them know you’re there for them, no matter what. Sometimes a little understanding can go a long way.

You’re too old to try new things

Encourage their curiosity and show them that you’re all for them trying new stuff. After all, life’s too short to let age hold you back!

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