Abuja Cleric Unravels Untold Links Between Iran And Israel
By GWG Religion Editor

Abuja Cleric, lawyer and surveyor, Ifeanyi Anago unravels a special historic link between Israel and Iran underlining the claim of Iran housing one of the oldest Jewish communities in the diaspora
Abuja cleric, Ifeanyi Anago has charged Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei to review his country’s relationship with Israel in the light of the ancient links between the two countries.
Noting the special assistance given the Jews by the Persian king, Artaxerxes in the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s broken down wall, Anago said that it was evident that ancient Persian kings recognized Jerusalem as a Jewish city in contrast to the present bellicose links between Israel and Iran. z
Barrister Anago made the charge while delivering the Sunday message at the Hospital Chapel, National Hospital, Abuja.
He spoke on the topic “Distractions” from the church’s quarterly theme, Enemies of Hope.
Noting the burden on Nehemiah, the Jewish captive who became a top administration official in the palace of the Persian king, Artaxerxes, Pastor Anago observed his particular burden on seeing the repair of the walls of Jerusalem.
That burden he said was expressed in his visage which compelled inquiries from the king who subsequently gave him the favour to go rebuild the wall.
Pastor Anago, also a quantity surveyor, observed that the Persian king further gave him the favour of mobilizing resources in the territories along the way for the rebuilding of the wall.
He said:
“A country known then as Persia but today as Iran, the king then known as Artaxerxes 1 in history sent Nehemiah, a Jew to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem which means that the Persian emperor acknowledged the fact that Jerusalem belongs to the Jews.
“Today, the same Iran has a king that says that Jerusalem does not belong to the Jews ignoring the old history of the same Iran,” Anago said. reports that the pastor spoke against the background of present Persian leaders in Iran who have committed themselves to the destruction of Israel and the eviction of the Jews from Israel. further reports that the pastor spoke as diplomats are scurrying to stop Iran from retaliating the attack on it by Israel following the earlier attack on the Jewish country by Iran earlier in the year.
Observing how Nehemiah withstood pressures from Arabs, Ammonites among others from rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, he pushed forward the commitment of the Jewish leader to Christians today in achieving God’s destiny for them.
Pastor Anago added that distractions may not necessarily be sinful but are issues that distract people from God’s destinies for their lives.
Drawing from the example of the Shunammite in Song of Songs 1:6, he also quipped on how some Christians remove themselves from God’s purpose for their lives by pursuing the vision given to others. reports that the service was interspersed with testimonies, bible study a special number by Edwin Abba among others.
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