Dara And Mary Gold: Friendship Betrayed By Illicit S3x - Green White Green - gwg.ng


Dara And Mary Gold: Friendship Betrayed By Illicit S3x

By Gideon Ayeni



As Ijoba Lande and Baba Tee put their differences behind them, attention has now shifted to the women caught in the middle of the controversy—Ijoba Lande’s estranged wife, Darasimi, and her former bestie, Mary Gold.

While the two men have publicly embraced and moved on, the same cannot be said for Dara and Mary Gold, whose friendship reportedly played a role in the entire saga. Mary Gold was allegedly the one who introduced Dara to Baba Tee, a connection that later fueled accusations of infidelity against Dara.

Despite Ijoba Lande’s claim that he has forgiven his wife, he has made it clear that there is no chance of them reconciling as a couple. However, what remains uncertain is whether Dara and Mary Gold’s friendship will survive the fallout.

Netizens have continued to speculate about the state of their relationship, with many wondering if Dara blames Mary Gold for her failed marriage or if she still considers her a friend. Meanwhile, some fans believe that for true closure to happen, all parties involved need to address their differences.

Now that Baba Tee and Ijoba Lande have found a way forward, will Dara and Mary Gold also settle their issues, or is their friendship beyond repair? Only time will tell.
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