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COVID-19: Daily Manna Author Rebuffs Conspiracy Theories



Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe, Publisher of Our Daily Manna, on Tuesday warned Nigerians to desist from peddling unverified information and conspiracy theories on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kwakpovwe, who is the founder and senior pastor of Manna Prayer Mountain (MPM) Ministry Worldwide, stated in a statement made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja.

He cautioned Nigerians to avoid fear mongering as well as abuse or overdosing on ‘Chloroquine’ as treatment for the coronavirus.

The bishop, who is also a pharmacist from the Obafemi Awolowo University, said that all the conspiracy theories were devoid of facts, baseless and lack scientific backing.

He said that he had seen a lot of fear and panic among Nigerians occasioned by many of the conspiracy theories, pointing out that the falsehoods were being peddled by “medically un-informed pastors and ‘over-night scientists”.

The bishop said that there was no scientific proof that connects 5G to Coronavirus.

He added that that there was also no biblical passage or verse that directly points to 5G, saying that there were so many other good things that also have some side effects.

“For example, there are very useful medicines or drugs that have terrible side effects. It does not make them evil.

“So also is technology. All these are conspiracy theories that should not be encouraged. It is fear mongering and we should try as much as possible to stay away from unfounded claims.

“Avoid anybody; pastor or politician who throw fear at you are actually digging your grave, because when your immunity is broken down via fear, then any disease can get you quickly.

“The fear virus may be as deadly as the Coronavirus, because fear breaks down your immunity.  Be positive, trust God, we shall overcome this together,” he said.

Kwakpovwe explained that the best thing to do in the middle of the pandemic was to remain level headed, avoid unverified theories, so as not to come to harm by using drugs without prescriptions or others not approved for use.

“I advise people not to rush into buying or even overdosing on the much publicized HydroxyChloroquine, because it remains yet to be certified as the cure for Coronavirus.

“Accelerated clinical trials are on, but results may not be forthcoming till April 2021. There could be some glimmer of hope by June 2020. However, avoid using local and unverified local herbs.

“The best solutions for now are: Practicing social distancing, imbibing healthy habits like hand washing and cleaning frequently used surfaces,” he said. 

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