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Army Commences Trial Of Officers, Soldiers For Kidnapping, Other Crimes



Nigerian Army Benin robbers

A Nigerian Army court martial to try 14 officers and soldiers accused of kidnapping, murder, desertion among other sundry crimes has been inaugurated in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

The trial taking place under the jurisdiction of the 6 Division of the army was inaugurated by the GOC, Maj-Gen Jamil Sarham who said the procedure was according to Section 131 of the Armed Forces Act.

The seven-man court martial panel led by its President, Brig.-Gen. Bassey Etuk is to try three officers and 11 soldiers including a major, two captains, two staff sergeants and one sergeant among other ranks.

“The offences for which the accused persons are being tried range from murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, desertion.

“Others are offences in relation to public and service property, disobedience to standing orders and conducts to the prejudice to service discipline.

“All the offences are punishable under the Armed Forces Act CAP A20 Law of the Federation of Nigeria 2004,” he said.

Noting the efforts taken to ensure that only those suspected of impropriety were brought to trial, he said:

“To this end, each accused person was thoroughly investigated to ensure that an innocent person is not wrongly tried and punished.

“The headquarters 6 division has painstakingly selected credible officers with indepth knowledge and outstanding experience of military law and duties as members of the court martial to ensure fair hearing and justice.”

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