A devastating video circulating on social media revealed the gruesome aftermath of an attack on Nigerian soldiers by armed bandits along the Abuja-Kaduna highway. The graphic...
A heart-wrenching video has surfaced online, showing a woman in distress, crying uncontrollably in a dirty waterlogged area on an untarred road after she returned to...
By Gideon Ayeni
The Anioma Traditional Rulers Forum has declared its unwavering support for the creation of Anioma State, emphasizing the need for a more collaborative approach to achieve...
In a heartwarming display of solidarity, Morayo Afolabi Brown, Managing Director of TVC, has publicly extended love and reassurance to Nollywood actress Iyabo Ojo. Taking to...
Nigerian music sensation Davido has sent the internet into a frenzy after sharing a heartwarming video of him bonding with his adorable twins. Despite keeping their...
A heart-wrenching video has emerged of football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo breaking down in tears during Portugal’s Euro 2024 match against Slovenia, after spotting his mother, Dolores...
Nigerian music superstar Davido has sparked a frenzy on social media after claiming that the money sprayed on him during his wedding doesn’t match the amount...
Nollywood actress Sharon Ooja has responded to her daily critics over her new marriage, declaring herself an “unrepentant and unapologetic child of God” and a “Jesus...
In a bold move to boost Nigeria’s crude oil production and grow its reserves, NNPC Ltd has declared a state of emergency on production in the...