Renowned media personality Toke Makinwa is brimming with joy as she announces the appointment of her father, Chief Pius Akinyelure, as the Chairman of the Nigerian...
Nigerian businessman Christian Asaga Nwali is receiving widespread praise from the public after generously gifting five cars to some of his dedicated employees. The heartwarming news,...
In a harrowing incident that unfolded on Sunday morning, December 17, 2023, an Enugu-bound flight operated by Ibom Air encountered a catastrophic situation when a female...
Harvesters International Gospel Center, led by Pastor B, has ignited outrage by inviting singer Spyro to perform at their upcoming carol service in Lagos. The announcement...
Tope Alabi, a revered gospel sensation has expressed the need for mentors in a video that has been making waves across platforms. In her candid address,...
A wave of outrage has swept through social media following an incident where Lati, an aide to popular Nigerian singer Davido, allegedly slapped a fan for...
A groom reportedly cancelled his wedding just minutes before walking down the aisle with his bride, leaving both families and guests in disbelief. The incident was...
Celebrating six years of marital bliss, Nigerian man Nnamdi Azodo took to social media to share a heartwarming tribute to his wife, recounting the remarkable journey...
In a social media revelation, a man has expressed his dismay after sending N20,000 to a lady, purportedly for her transportation to visit him in Abuja,...
A Nigerian man has expressed feelings of betrayal and anger after discovering that his close friend had secretly traveled to the UK without his knowledge, despite...