In a heartwarming tale of resilience and success, a Ghanaian lady has become an inspiration after she joyfully mocked her ex-boyfriend while celebrating her journey from...
Senator Natasha Akpoti-Uduaghan, the lawmaker representing Kogi Central senatorial district has felicitated with former Vice President Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, on his 77th birthday on Saturday, November...
Israel’s wife Sheila Courage has continued to spill more details on her failed marriage with Israel DMW, the logistics manager of music star, Davido. She took...
In a dramatic turn of events, Sheila Courage, the estranged wife of Israel DMW, has finally broken her silence in response to Davido’s manager’s recent revelations...
Grace Oreofe, who is also actor Yomi Fabiyi’s baby mama has taken to her Instagram page to express distress, hinting at suicidal thoughts while implicating the...
In a revealing Instagram post, Isreal DMW, the logistics manager for music sensation Davido, has opened up about the struggles in his relationship with his wife,...
Apostle Joshua Selman, the respected Senior Pastor of Eternity Network International, has recently provided thought-provoking advice to members of his congregation charging those who have been...
In the ongoing divorce saga involving Nollywood actor Yul Edochie and his estranged wife, May Edochie, reports circulating online suggest that Yul has categorically denied being...
In a deeply emotional moment shared online, Korra Obidi, the Nigerian-born dancer and singer, has shared her agony after her application for US citizenship was denied....
Nollywood actress and movie producer Iyabo Ojo is winning accolades for her public display of support for her colleagues and friends, Funke Akindele, Toyin Abraham, and...