In a miraculous escape from a life-threatening situation, Nigerian Gospel Singer Panam Percy Paul has emerged unscathed from a ghastly car accident. The renowned artiste, who...
In a bold and ambitious move, a Nigerian named Dayo has set his sights on a Guinness World Record by announcing his plan to trek all...
In a twist of fate that turned a joyous moment into an unexpected spectacle, when a couple attempting to cut their wedding cake watched as it...
In lieu of the meeting held with the National Security Adviser, Nuhu Ribadu, the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC and the Trade Union Congress, TUC will have...
An active member of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Sulaimon Olamide, has fervently appealed to the Nigerian government to address the escalating prices of medications for...
A leaked audio recording circulating on the internet has sent shockwaves through Nigeria, purportedly featuring actor Mr Ibu confirming that he had a past romantic involvement...
Popular actress Mercy Johnson has found herself in the middle of controversy after she complained over the rising prices of eggs as netizens accused her of...
Renowned relationship and marriage counselor, Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo, has shed light on what he sees as a significant issue among some women—placing marriage as their highest...
In an emotional appeal, afropop sensation Adelaja David, popularly known as Pupa Tee, has bravely opened up about his ongoing battle with kidney issues spanning over...
Nigerian activist VeryDarkMan has released audio recordings featuring actor Mr Ibu, where he accused his wife, Stella Maris, of attempting to harm him. This revelation follows...