James Aloba, the father of the late singer Ilerioluwa Olademeji Aloba, popularly known as Mohbad, has responded to his daughter-in-law’s assertion that their strained relationship was...
In a heartwarming yet stern moment, a mother has captured online attention after a video surfaced of her delivering a powerful warning to her son-in-law during...
In a horrifying incident that has shocked many, a 41-year-old woman named Chioneso Ephrame lost her life in the hands of her 50-year-old husband, Bwanali Bwanado,...
Popular comedian Brain Jotter has taken to his Instastory to share his disappointment after discovering that the individual he had recently extended financial assistance to was...
In an exciting turn of events, Irish Chef Alan Fisher has broken the Guinness World Record, cooking for an impressive 119 hours and 57 minutes, surpassing...
A video capturing the heated words of a Nigerian clergywoman, Holy Mary Motundalayo slutshaming her fellow prophetess Kehinde Oshoba, from the Cherubim and Seraphim church, has...
In a shocking incident, the parents of Bruna Bianciardi, the girlfriend of football star Neymar, fell victim to a violent attack in an attempted kidnapping of...
Cynthia Omowumi Aloba, the widow of the late singer Ilerioluwa Aloba, popularly known as Mohbad, appeared at the Candide-Johnson Court House in Ita-Elewa, Ikorodu, where she...
Celebrity chef and former world record holder, Hilda Baci, has responded to questions from netizens regarding her bio update on social media after being dethroned by...
In a recent interaction, Nollywood actress Regina Daniels faced a challenging question about kidney donation, posing a hypothetical scenario: choosing between donating her kidney to her...