In a heartfelt show of support, Nigerian celebrities on Friday united with renowned singer, Ayodeji Balogun, popularly known as Wizkid, during the burial ceremony of his...
Nigerian music sensation Kizz Daniel has broken his silence on social media amidst rumors of his alleged arrest in Ivory Coast over his absence at a...
In a shocking revelation, Kenyan authorities have apprehended a man named Brian Mwenda, alleged to be a fake lawyer, who remarkably managed to win all 26...
In a troubling relationship saga that has stirred intense debate online, a Nigerian final year student has found herself at crossroads after her boyfriend, who supported...
A leaked conversation between popular Nigerian singer Teni and DJ Chicken has ignited a frenzy across social media platforms. The dialogue, shared by DJ Chicken on...
In a highly publicized and emotionally charged custody battle, Nigerian media personality Dotun, popularly known as Do2dtun, has given renowned artist D’Banj and his ex-wife a...
Nollywood actor and producer, Femi Adebayo, recently set the record straight after numerous well-wishers congratulated him on his alleged new G-Wagon purchase. Adebayo addressed the misunderstanding...
Nigeria’s Afrobeats sensation, Tiwa Savage, has made headlines by splurging on a brand new Range Rover, seemingly undeterred by the country’s soaring fuel prices. In a...
In the midst of widespread congratulatory messages directed at singer Davido and his wife Chioma Rowland for welcoming twins in the US, a man named Oriretan...
In a recent online sensation, Kizz Daniel’s formidable bouncer has taken social media by storm with a video showcasing his robust physique at the gym. The...