Renowned Nollywood actress and producer, Judy Austin, took to social media to mark her mother’s birthday in a heartfelt and touching manner. The star, known for...
Romanus Ejikeme, the father of Mmesoma Ejikeme, the candidate accused of faking the United Tertiary Matriculation Examination, UTME result has apologised to Nigerians and the Joint...
Osun state governor Ademola Adeleke has listed the widow of his late brother and former governor of the state, Adenike Adeleke as one of the commissioner...
Anchor University in Lagos has granted a full scholarship to Miss Nkechinyere Kamsiyo Chukwu Umeh, the highest scorer in this year’s UTME. She has also been...
The National Examinations Council (NECO) has introduced an online platform for verifying and confirming examination results, NECO e-Verify. The announcement was made by the Registrar/Chief Executive,...
The National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) has expressed disappointment over the government’s failure to review the Consolidated Medical Salary Structure (CONMESS) and have now raised...
Barely one week after the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) announced the 2023/2024 admission cut-off marks, the Federal University, Lokoja has joined other institutions to...
President Bola Tinubu has written the National Assembly asking the body to swiftly confirm the new Chief of Defence Staff and Service Chiefs recently appointed by...