Former contestant on the Big Brother Naija reality show, Beauty Tukura, has confirmed that she has broken up with her fellow housemate, Neo Akpofure. The news...
A young lady has taken to social media to celebrate a long-awaited milestone in her relationship after enduring countless ups and downs. The lady, whose identity...
A young woman has ignited a social media frenzy after publicly announcing her decision to terminate her relationship with her boyfriend due to his refusal to...
In a heart-wrenching revelation, a single mother, identified as Favour, has bravely shared her anguish after her fiancé abruptly ended their relationship through a text message....
A video circulating on social media has ignited discussions as a young Nigerian woman’s dramatic response to a breakup message from her boyfriend days before Valentine’s...
A viral video capturing a lady damaging her ex-boyfriend’s home in a fit of rage following their breakup has stirred diverse reactions across social media platforms....
In a heart-wrenching revelation on the microblogging platform X, a young man poured out his pain after his girlfriend of four years abruptly ended their relationship...
In a deeply emotional video that has captured the hearts of viewers online, a woman named Chisomebubeogu bared her soul, shedding tears as she recounted her...