Renowned investigative journalist Fisayo Soyombo has raised concerns over a disturbing video involving a Customs officer allegedly assaulting two civilians in Oloko, Badagry. In a social...
Renowned journalist Fisayo Soyombo has been released by the Nigerian Army after being detained for three days. Soyombo, who is the founder of the Foundation for...
The Nigerian Army’s 6th Division has disclosed the reasons behind the arrest of investigative journalist Fisayo Soyombo, attributing it to an anti-oil bunkering operation. According to...
Renowned investigative journalist and founder of the Foundation for Investigative Journalism (FIJ), Fisayo Soyombo, has been detained by the 6 Division of the Nigerian Army in...
Nigerian journalist and founder of the Foundation for Investigative Journalism (FIJ), Fisayo Soyombo, is making headlines again after revealing an alleged collusion between Nigerian Customs officers...