The Nigerian National Grid has experienced a significant disruption, plunging parts of the country into darkness. The announcement was made through a brief post on X...
In a bold and humorous move, a Nigerian man has taken to social media to announce his application to Guinness World Records, requesting that Nigeria be...
Nigeria encountered a widespread power outage as its primary electricity network, managed from Osogbo, Osun State, suffered a breakdown around 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, leaving countless...
The national power grid system operated by the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) operating from Osogbo in Osun State has been restored after collapsing earlier on...
Most businesses and homes were without power for several hours on Monday as Nigeria’s national grid failed for the seventh time this year. The last national...
The collapse of Nigeria’s electricity grid actually occurred twice – on Friday and Saturday last week despite concerted efforts to stabilise the power system, a Federal...
The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) says it has restored the national power grid after it experienced partial system disturbance at about 1:06 p.m on Monday....