In an interview with actress Biola Adebayo, Akinyanju Omobolarinde, popularly known as Ashabi Simple, Portable’s fourth baby mama, has revealed her unconventional approach to the singer’s...
In a heartwarming love story, Philip Enyinnaya, a Nigerian man, has celebrated his marriage to his longtime girlfriend, whom he first connected with during the era...
A distressing video circulating on social media has brought attention to a newlywed Nigerian couple facing persistent domestic conflicts just a month after tying the knot...
In a new development on Friday, January 26th, Mr. Aku Bakari, a public servant, brought his wife, Mary, to a Customary Court in Nyanya, accusing her...
In a swing of romantic emotions, a Nigerian man has recently come under focus after ordering his ex-girlfriend to burn the clothes he purchased for her...
A bride’s sister shared a heart-wrenching story on TikTok about a last-minute wedding cancellation that left her family in distress. The skincare brand owner, identified as...
Popular reality TV star, Tacha Akide, recently offered relationship advice to women, urging them not to tolerate men who prioritize their phones over spending quality time...
In a video making rounds online, a man orchestrated a unique and elaborate proposal by presenting his girlfriend with a beautiful car filled with balloons. However,...
Kelly Joy Wanyoni, a white American woman, has revealed the extraordinary lengths she went to in order to be with the love of her life in...
In the aftermath of a series of unsuccessful relationships, DJ Cuppy, the billionaire heiress and Nigerian disc jockey, has decided to embrace happiness despite being single....