Maitri Mangala, a young woman who has faced numerous hardships, has shared her heart-wrenching story of how her wedding day turned into a disaster when her...
A couple who met during the nationwide protest over the mysterious death of musician Mohbad in September 2023 have tied the knot in 2024 The massive...
By Benjamin Abioye
By Benjamin Abioye
By Benjamin Abioye
By Benjamin Abioye
As the highly anticipated wedding between Davido and Chioma approaches, their close friend and associate, Cubana Chief Priest, has expressed his heartfelt congratulations and blessings to...
As the highly anticipated traditional wedding between Davido and Chioma approaches, the couple has been making headlines with their preparations. In a video, the pair were...
By Gideon Ayeni
A recent wedding ceremony has taken social media by storm, with a video capturing an awkward moment between the newlyweds. After the preacher blessed their union,...