Buhari Threatens Election Sabouters With Death Threat - Green White Green - gwg.ng


Buhari Threatens Election Sabouters With Death Threat



President Muhammadu Buhari Monday warned election offenders to desist from snatching ballot boxes or disturbing the election process as he warned that they could be doing so at the cost of their lives.

Speaking at the national caucus of the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC, the president averred that he was not afraid of losing the presidential election on the claim that he had successfully campaigned in all 36 states of the country.

“I do not expect anybody to make any disturbance. I have briefed the law enforcement agencies and the military to identify hotspots, flash points, they should be prepared to move. They too would have made their own arrangement as possible and resources provided as much as the country can afford it. And anybody who decides to snatch ballot boxes or lead thugs to disturb it (elections), maybe that would be the last unlawful action he would take. I have directed the police and the military to be ruthless. 

“We are not going to be blamed that we want to rig elections.  I want Nigerians to be respected, let them vote whoever they want across the party. I’m not afraid. As you said, I have gone round all the 36 states and Abuja. I think I have gotten enough support across the country. 

“I am going to warn anybody who thinks, he has enough influence in his locality to lead a body of thugs to snatch boxes or to disturb the voting system, he would do it at the expense of his own life”, the president declared.

The president who said he got to know of the postponement at 5.00 a.m. on the day the election was to hold added:

“INEC had all the time and all the resources they wanted and didn’t have to wait for only six hours to cancel the elections and tell us it was impossible.

“Definitely, the reason why such incompetence manifested has to be explained to the nation. After the elections, we have to know exactly what happened and who is responsible. Otherwise, our efforts to make sure that this system is acceptable would have been eroded.

“The constitution and the law protects INEC, but they must not take us for granted. If for example, the National Assembly refused to approve what they wanted, INEC would have had moral reasons why they couldn’t perform. If the time of four years of election was not constitutionally obeyed by the government, INEC would have a case. But we don’t understand the reason for this inefficiency and we have to go into details after the election to find out who is responsible.

“I thank the party leadership for their commitment. That was why we sat and said we must have committed leaders in all constituencies to be our agents. We also sat down and worked out the least the party should do for our agents so that they will not depend on anybody or say I am going to drink water or I am going to toilet. We made all those arrangements and put it before the governors and Chairmen of the parties. Where the APC has no governors, the governorship candidates and state Chairmen were given that assignment. I am satisfied that this instruction has been passed down. Right now, we have so much to do and so, we should now go back to our loyal members in all constituencies so that if anything happens, we will know who to blame. We have told our constituents to be patient and react in a very mature way by going peacefully and vote and depend on party representatives in the polling units”, he stated.”

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