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South African Envoy Summoned Over Sickening Xenophobic Attacks



By Editor

Following up on his vow to take strong action following the latest round of xenophobic attacks on Nigerians in South Africa, the minister of foreign affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama on Tuesday summoned the South African High Commissioner to Nigeria to the ministry.

The meeting is expected to express Nigeria’s disapproval of the latest round of attacks on Nigerians and their businesses in the former apartheid enclave.

The minister had on Monday pledged decisive action against the attacks which he went on twitter to express as ‘sickening and depressing.’

He had tweeted thus:

Received sickening and depressing news of continued burning and looting of Nigerian shops and premises in #SouthAfrica by mindless criminals with ineffective police protection. Enough is enough. We will take definitive measures. @NigeriaGov @DigiCommsNG @GovernmentZA @DIRCO_ZA

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