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Tinubu, Lalong Congratulate Gowon At 85




The national leader of All Progressives Congress, APC, Bola Tinubu, has congratulated former military Head of State, Gen. Yakubu Gowon(rtd), on the occasion of his 85th birthday.

  In n a statement on Friday night, made available by his Media Office in Lagos, described Gowon as a statesman who contributed immensely to nation-building.

Gowon served as military Head of State of Nigeria from 1966-1975.

Tinubu said: “I congratulate former Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon, as he clocks 85 on October 19, 2019.

” He is a statesman and national icon who contributed enormously to Nigeria’s unity and development”.

Also Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau State has described Gowon as a rare gift to the State, Nigeria and the world.

In a birthday message by his Director of Press and Public Affairs, Dr Makut Macham, on Saturday, Lalong said Gowon’s lifestyle and enormous sacrifices toward nation building and global peace were exemplary.

He said, “Gen. Gowon is a distinguished statesman, gentleman, prayer warrior and bridge builder.

“Continue to provide inspiration and hope for the nation as it wades through its challenges.

“While wishing you good health, God’s grace and divine strength, I urge you not to relent in deploying your wealth of experience and knowledge in the pursuit of unity and national integration,” he said.

The governor also said that Gowon’s sense of duty and responsibility throughout his military career and other national and international assignments remained a shining example for generations to come.

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