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Australia To Kill 10,000 Camels



The Australian Government has decided to kill about 10000 camels to stop further damage to infrastructure, danger to families and communities.

They are to be shot from helicopters in Australia to stop them from drinking water in the drought-ravaged continent.

Reports say soaring temperatures which have caused devastating bushfires have also led to 10,000 of the creatures flocking to water sources and wreaking havoc in local communities.

Professional shooters will begin the cull on Wednesday.

Aboriginal leaders in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) lands of South Australia mostly affected by the movement of the animals made a request for their killing.

The bushfires in Australia have so far killed at least 24 people, and more than 200,000 homes have been destroyed in the raging infernos.

Experts fear the devastating Australian wildfires have killed a billion animals since the season began in August last year.

The South Australian Department for Environment and Water says camels are flocking to water sources, including tanks, taps and any available water.

The department said that camels can smell water from over three miles away, the ABC reports.

“This has resulted in significant damage to infrastructure, danger to families and communities, increased grazing pressure across the APY Lands and critical animal welfare issues as some camels die of thirst or trample each other to access water,” said a spokesperson.

“In some cases, dead animals have contaminated important water sources and cultural sites.”

Managers of the APY lands have approved the mass kill, which will take around five days to finish.

“We have been stuck in stinking hot and uncomfortable conditions, feeling unwell, because the camels are coming in and knocking down fences, getting in around the houses and trying to get to water through air conditioners,” Marita Baker, board member of the APY executive, told The Australian.

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