A tragic incident occurred in Maiduguri when a rescue team assisting flood victims encountered a canoe accident, sparking widespread concern. In the video circulating on social...
A 25-year-old American, Tyrese Haspil, has been sentenced to 40 years to life in prison for the brutal murder of his former boss, Fahim Saleh. Saleh,...
Ibraheem Abdulhameed Labaeka, an Islamic singer who served as the Special Assistant on Artiste Matters to the Kwara State Governor, AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, has tendered his resignation,...
In a deeply saddening case, 28-year-old Nigerian nurse, Ruth Auta, has been sentenced to three years in prison by a UK court for child cruelty after...
The Metropolitan Police in the UK have issued a cautionary message to Nigerian wives and mothers, advising them to avoid evicting their husbands from their homes...
American business magnate and philanthropist Bill Gates has highlighted Nigeria’s low tax collection rate as a significant obstacle to funding critical sectors such as education and...
The X (formerly Twitter) accounts belonging to two members of former United States’ President Donald Trump’s family were hacked on Wednesday and used to promote a...