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Trump Assesses Damage As Iran Justifies Attack On US Bases



The Iranian authorities have justified the attacks on United States bases in Iraq saying it was their right under the United Nations Charter to take proportionate measures in self defence.

President Donald Trump was meanwhile still assessing the extent of damage done in the two bases in Iraq that were struck by more than two dozen missiles.

The president has promised to speak to Americans following an assessment of the situation.

The president was being egged on by his conservative base to launch retaliatory attacks for the latest attacks. While the American president may not be predictable, the extent of casualties is likely to be the primary determinant on how he responds.

The loss of any American life will likely to provoke a retaliation. The Americans are waiting for a full assessment before any response.

Meanwhile, hours after the attack, the Iranian Foreign Affairs minister, Mohammed Javad Zarif took to twitter to say that the attack was in direct response to the killing of the Iran Revolutionary Guard commander, General Qasem Soleimani last Friday.

He said that the attacks were directed at the bases from where the attack against Soleimani were launched.

While justifying the attack, the Iranian foreign affairs minister was, however, insistent that the United States should not escalate the crisis saying that it does not want an escalation.

He said in his tweet:

However, the power to determine the course of events remains with President Trump who was last night reviewing the developments.

Monitors of US networks revealed by GWG revealed that the president would essentially be guided by the outcome of the assessment of the damage from the attack.

Any loss of life will inevitably lead to severe retaliation that may lead to possible escalation. The United States ahead of the strike that killed Soleimani it was gathered had started reinforcing its positions in the region with the deployment of missile defence systems and the deployment of B52 bombers to nearer points in the reigon.

President Trump in a tweet has promised to address Americans in the morning which is anytime from 13 Hours GMT.

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