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Group Gives FG 21 Days To Sack Amnesty Boss



By Chuks Ekpeneru

The Niger Delta Sea Disciples (NDSD) has accused the Coordinator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP) and Special Adviser to the President on Niger Delta Affairs, Prof. Charles Dokubo of incompetence and unsatisfactory performance. 

The group, in a statement made available to journalists and addressed to President Muhammadu Buhari demanded the sack of Prof. Dokubo within 21 days saying his continued stay in office was already breeding bad blood among Niger Delta people.

The statement, signed by the group’s spokesman, Solomon Akonkon warned that if President Buhari and other critical stakeholders in his administration fail to replace Dokubo within the given 21 days, they would be left with no other option than to mobilise members across the country to protest to the National Assembly and block all major roads in the country.

It also warned that the 784 Amnesty delegates’ protest at Kaiama in Bayelsa State that caused gridlock on road users led by Comr. Lucky Ighogho on Tuesday 4th of February 2020 will be a tip of the iceberg compared to what the group is planning.

“We, Niger Delta Sea Disciples (NDSD), have exhausted our patience, hence we have to come out to speak, enough is enough, we are giving the Federal Government of Nigeria 21 days ultimatum to replace Dokubo Or face massive protest from Niger Deltans.”

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