Mystery Over Murder Of Senior Aso Rock Official - Green White Green -


Mystery Over Murder Of Senior Aso Rock Official



By Ayodele Oluwafemi

There was confusion on Tuesday morning after it emerged that unknown assailants, on Monday night, murdered an Assistant Director of Administration in the State House, Abuja, Mrs. Laetitia Naankang Dagan.

The assistant director was said to have closed from work around 8pm on Monday but on getting home, she was killed.

It was gathered that the assassins went to her residence at Lokogoma, not far from the Abuja city center at about 11pm to snuff the life out of her.

Reacting to the incident, the Permanent Secretary, State House, Jalal Arabi, described the killing of Ms. Laetitia Dagan, as “a painful loss, not only to her immediate family but also the entire State House.”

“She was a dedicated, hard-working officer, and we all feel pained by her dastardly and untimely death,” Arabi told her family members during a condolence visit.

The Permanent Secretary in a statement signed by, Attah Esa, Deputy Director Information, State House further said, “We all share in your grief and pains, but be consoled by the fact that she lived a good life and contributed her best to the services of her nation.”

Arabi expressed confidence that “the Police will fish out the killers of Laetitia and the law will take its course.”

“47-year Ms. Dagan from Plateau State, worked in her office on Monday till 8pm, but by 11pm, she was gruesomely murdered in her apartment by unknown persons,” the statement said.

The Permanent Secretary prayed God Almighty to comfort Ms. Dagan’s family, the entire Staff of State House, and grant the soul of the departed officer eternal rest.

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