Anambra COVID-19 Case Is A Lagos Returnee - Green White Green -


Anambra COVID-19 Case Is A Lagos Returnee

Obiano Orders Total Lockdown



Gov. Willie Obiano of Anambra on Saturday announced total lockdown of the state following the positive confirmation of a suspected Coronavirus Disease patient in the state.

Obiano said on Saturday in Awka that contact tracing for the patient whose status was confirmed by Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) on Friday night had begun.

The governor expressed regret that in spite of all the proactive measures put in place to prevent the outbreak of COVID-19 in the state, an index case was established by the NCDC on April 10.

Obiano, who announced that the total lockdown would commence on April 11, urged Anambra residents not to panic as the situation was under control since Coronavirus did not meet the state unprepared.

He commanded the people of the state for their cooperation with the government and various institutions, including healthcare, traditional rulers, churches and security agencies for executing their tasks to ensure the protection of the people.

“I regret to announce that in spite of our proactive measures to insulate our dear state from this pandemic, we recorded the first case of Coronavirus in the state yesterday (Friday).

“The index case came in from Lagos and has been placed in one of our Protective Care Centers, we have commenced aggressive contact tracing to ensure that everyone he came in contact with is brought into the net for a professional handling that will save lives.

The governor announced that as part of effort to ensure that the outbreak did not escalate, all former guidelines on social gathering and hygiene remained in force, while the closure of Anambra borders is extended by two weeks.

He said only people on essential services would be permitted to move about in the state till further notice as residents of the state were expected to stay indoors with their loved ones.

“All boundaries with neighbouring states remain closed, there will be no vehicular or human traffic across all the boundaries of Anambra, only vehicles delivering essential services are permitted after a comprehensive check and authorisation.

“Anyone who violates this directive stands a chance of arrest and prosecution.

“Handshaking, hugging and all other forms of physical contact are strongly discouraged, we are also advised to minimise contact with door handles and hand rails and commonly used surfaces in different locations.

“A distance of 6 feet must be maintained during interaction with people. Everyone is advised to keep a reasonable social distance when holding a conversation with someone else,” he said.

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