Osun APC Chair Pleads For Peace Among Members - Green White Green - gwg.ng


Osun APC Chair Pleads For Peace Among Members



 Mr Gboyega Famodun, the Chairman, All Progressives Congress (APC), Osun Chapter, on Thursday urged elected political office holders to be at peace with people at the grassroots, as their in-fighting was affecting governance in the state.

Famodun in a statement issued by his Media Consultant, Mr Kola Olabisi, on Thursday in Osogbo, said that rift in the party at any level was not only diversionary but equally distractive to all arms of government.

According to him, reports from some of the local government areas in the state are unpleasant, having to do with fierce competition for attention, competition among elected political functionaries and some leaders.

He cautioned the state party leaders on the need to make unconditional peace at the grassroots.

Famodun said that what he expected from all the APC stakeholders was to prioritise and be preparing for congresses in the state within the shortest period of time.

He enjoined the principal stakeholders of the party at grassroots level to concede their personal interest in the overall interest of the party.

The Chairman said that the purpose of forming a party was for a group of people with ideological minds to come together to form a government for the overall benefit of the entire society.

He said that the ideology would be defeated if the same group of people were working at cross-purposes over mundane and personal issues.

“If there is no crack on the wall, there is no way a lizard can make its way through such wall.

”Though we know that our party in government is currently doing the wish of the people in many states,  it will be politically suicidal to pretend that the main opposition, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), is not waiting to escalate any crisis in the party to its own advantage.

“Everyone has a role to play in politics and it is the more, the merrier, meaning we have to do away with the politics of exclusion.

“There is no character that is not pathologically designed for a particular role in politics.

“Politics involves intensive human management acumen and skills which the leaders and principal political functionaries need in quantum to enable them function optimally,” he said.

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