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How To Deal With Anger In Your Spouse



spouse anger

It is not a good experience in getting married to someone that is prone to violent spells of frustration and anger. In a situation,  here are some ways to deal with such a spouse.

Avoid argument

When you notice anger in your spouse, the best way is to try to de-escalate the situation by keeping your cool and refusing to be baited by his or her taunts. Try  to detach emotionally and direct your words in a soothing voice with pure logic to end the argument.

Walk away

While it is evident that you value your spouse, you must care more for your own safety and walk away in time before the argument or anger results in a fistfight. Never fear walking away from a bad situation, as you can rebuild your life as a happier one. If you have been a victim of domestic violence within the marriage, you can help yourself by reporting the matter to the Police or authorities concerned.

Confide in a third party

It may be that none of your in-laws or relatives has witnessed what you have experienced and actually seen the anger in your spouse, so getting one of them to witness the anger of your husband or wife may help.  Without any of them to witness your experience, they may not believe all you have been saying about your spouse.

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