6 Easy Ways To Start Eating Healthy

Health is life’s greatest blessing which very few appreciate the value. A healthy body is a requisite to happiness and success. Since happiness is a state of mind, in order to feel happy, one’s body needs to feel happy, too. And a happy body is a body that is balanced right: well-rested and adequately nourished. So, here are the best six strategies to start cultivating a healthy eating habit:
1. Opt for An Air Fryer
When cooking, oils are generally heated at high heat. The increase in temperature causes the oil to lose its consistency and begins to break down, oxidizing, and emitting free radicals. These dangerous substances are bound to harm one’s health by potentially causing cellular damage. This then leads to organ failure and, eventually, death.
By most measures, air frying is considered healthier than frying in oil.This is becausethe air fryer works in such a way that food is cooked with little to no oil. The hot air extracts the oil when food is in, leaving them dry but tasty and crispy, nonetheless. However, cooking technique matters too, so avoid crowding the small basket too much and leaving them soggy.
2. Limit Alcohol Consumption
A person can still enjoy a glass of wine or beer from time to time. But remember to always drink in moderation to avoid health complications. For men, moderate alcohol consumption means one to two drinks per day, and for women, only one drink per day. Though keep in mind that different drinks have different alcohol percentages, so it is wise to take caution before consuming any.
Excessive alcohol consumption raises the number of triglycerides, a type of fat found in humans’ blood. Fatty accumulation in the arterial walls has been linked to a high triglyceride level paired with high LDL (bad) cholesterol or low HDL (good) cholesterol. That, in turn, increases the risk of a heart attack and stroke. To make matters worse, extra calories in alcohol can contribute to obesity and diabetes. So, it is best to limit or avoid them altogether.
3. Consume Vitamins
While eating a well-balanced diet is the best way to get vitamins and minerals, supplements can offer an extra hand. For example, a person may eat nutritious meals every day but is still diagnosed with deficiencies in some areas. In this case, supplements are needed to patch up those missing nutrients.
The ideal way is to take them in conjunction with a healthy diet and nutrient-dense foods. Always keep in mind that they are supplements, not substitutes, and should only be taken after being prescribed by a doctor. For example, foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy should be consumed by people with heart problems to keep their blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check. They may also augment omega-3 fatty acid supplements to decrease the risk of a heart attack.
4. Avoid Processed Food
Any food items that have been canned, cooked, frozen, pasteurized or packaged are all considered processed food. Yet, a person may enjoy a moderate amount of canned vegetables and frozen fruits as a part of a healthy diet. However, some processed items are high in salt, sugar, additives, and preservatives, all of which are extremely addictive and harmful to a person’s health.
Most people will simply grab a pack of unhealthy snacks on their way out if they are running short on time. But keeping a selection of portable, nutritious snacks readily available on the go can be a much healthier option. People are prone to grab whatever they see first, so be sure to put some nuts on the countertop. Also, keep homemade oats within eye level in the pantry and stock up some fresh vegetables in the front row of the fridge.
5. Create A Balanced Plate
Another way to attain a healthy eating habit is to balance out the food on the plate. While fruits and vegetables should account for half of the plate, protein and fibre are what keep a person full. Consider incorporating whole grains for fibre like brown rice and protein in the form of lean meat, beans, or lentils. Healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, and seeds are also great options.
Part of any healthy diet includes some small indulgences. However, healthy eating does not equate to depriving oneself of treats like ice cream or baked goods. Just be sure to keep track of the portions consumed.
6. Reduce Sugary Drinks
Beverages like energy drinks and flavoured coffee are deceivable due to false advertisements. They market themselves as ‘healthy’ but are typically high in calories and added sugars. Other examples of added sugars are syrups, glucose, and concentrated juice.
Just be sure to read the nutrition labels on the items carefully to see which ones have the highest amount of sugar. A bottle can contain more than one serving, potentially doubling or tripling the amount of sugar your body needs. This high sugar level then leads to the risk of kidney diseases, cavities, gout, and type 2 diabetes.
The truth is, healthy eating does not have to be complicated. It is completely possible to fuel your body with the right nutrition while eating foods you enjoy. After all, food is meant to be enjoyed, not feared. So, start your healthy eating now!
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