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APC Opens Up On $75,000 Stolen At Party Secretariat



politicians dollars naira

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has said that the $75,000 reportedly stolen at its national secretariat on Wednesday in Abuja, does not belong to it as speculated.

Mr Felix Morka, the party’s National Publicity Secretary said this in a statement on Thursday, adding that the report was false and grossly misleading and should be disregarded by all.

“Our attention has been drawn to reports in sections of the media regarding lost U.S. Dollars at the  APC national secretariat.

“On Wednesday, April 27, the sum of 75,000 dollars  was reportedly lost by an individual around the entrance gate of the party’s national secretariat.

“To be clear, the lost money does not belong to the party,” he said.

He added that the loss was not connected with proceeds of sale of Expression of Interest and Nomination forms to aspirants vying for it’s tickets for the  2023 general elections.

Morka said the development was also not connected with relocation of the venue for the collection of the forms from the party’s  secretariat to the International Conference Centre (ICC), as erroneously reported in a section of the media.

He explained that the party’s decision to relocate the venue for collection of the forms to the ICC was to ease heavy human and vehicular traffic around the secretariat.

This, he said, was especially as teeming aspirants and their supporters had continued to throng the party’s national secretariat to collect forms.

Morka further explained that as widely advertised and reported in major news outlets, all purchase of forms were payable to designated bank accounts of the party.

The APC scribe added that the fee for the said forms was set and denominated in Naira not in U.S. dollars.

“We urge our party members and the general public to disregard any reports or suggestion to the contrary as false and grossly misleading,” the APC publicity scribe said of the $75,000 stolen at its national secretariat. (NAN)

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