Six Things To Know About Sickle Cell Disease

For you to manage Sickle cell disease properly and avoid complications there are some facts that you need to know. Lack of some basic knowledge can complicate the matter which may lead to fatality. Here are six things you need to know about the disease.
Most common genetic blood disorder
The disease is a genetic condition that occurs when a child receives a sickle cell trait from each parent. The disease affects millions of people worldwide and is most common in African, Mediterranean and Arabian Peninsula areas.
It affects many races
While the disease is more common in African Americans (occurring in about 1 in 365 African American births), it is still present in other racial populations including about 1 in 1,200 Hispanic Americans.
Hemoglobin SS is the most common type of sickle cell disease
There are many different types of sickle cell disease, but Hemoglobin SS type is the most common and is also called sickle cell anaemia. It occurs when a person inherits a Hemoglobin S sickle trait from each parent.
Some tests are conducted to prove existence
Specialized blood tests (Hemoglobin Electrophoresis and a CBC) are needed to confirm whether or not you have sickle trait or the disease. These tests look to see what type(s) of hemoglobin you make and if your hemoglobin level is low.
Causes red blood cells to sickle
Normal red blood cells are round and flexible and can move easily through blood vessels, but some of the cells in patients with the disease become crescent moon shaped and stick to blood vessels. This slows or can stop blood flow through blood vessels, which can cause pain, damage to organs and tissues, or even lead to a stroke.
Some patients need blood transfusions
Doctors can transfuse red blood cells from a matched blood donor without sickle cell disease or sickle cell trait to treat a patient with sickle cell disease.
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