How I attempted suicide in 2018 over N22m debt ― Real Warri Pikin [Video]


How I attempted suicide in 2018 over N22m debt ― Real Warri Pikin [Video]



Nigerian comedian, Anita Asuoha, better known as Real Warri Pikin, has revealed how she almost took her life in 2018 over N22m debt she owed.

Real Warri Pikin made this revelation in the latest edition of #WithChude, a podcast hosted by media personality, Chude Jideonwo.

The 32-year-old actress recalled how she was taken to “three different hospitals” before she regained consciousness.

She said, “In 2017/2018 I had issues. Actually, I and my husband had issues, financial issues because we were in debt and everything. Then, I attempted suicide on June 6, 2018, but I didn’t die,” she said. “Then they carried me to three different hospitals. In the last hospital when I woke up, I was like so I didn’t die? That meant God didn’t want me to die.” She said the aftermath of her suicide attempt inspired her to venture into comedy “so I can use my story to heal people”.


“Then I told God that I was going to use my story to heal people because I felt like he didn’t allow me to die because he wanted my story to touch people’s lives,” she said. “To me, it wasn’t a story that I was supposed to keep to myself and I knew the fastest way to do it was online. “Then I had a small itel phone which I used. If you check, all the videos I did then wasn’t comedy to make people laugh but comedy to motivate people. I was always like even if you’re owing debt, the federal government is also owing debt, so you don’t need to kill yourself. “Just take it one day at a time. So I think those things helped me heal because things I was supposed to tell myself, I was telling people.”

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