2023: Obi, Most Competent Candidate For Presidency – Umeh - Green White Green - gwg.ng


2023: Obi, Most Competent Candidate For Presidency – Umeh



The Labour Party (LP) senatorial candidate for Anambra Central, Distinguished Senator Victor Umeh, has said that his party’s presidential candidate, Mr. Peter Obi, as the most competent among his rivals to take charge of the presidency upon the completion of President Muhammadu Buhari’s tenure on May 29, 2023.

Umeh stated this in his New Year Message to the people of Anambra Central Senatorial District and all Nigerians.

The former lawmaker seeking to return to the Red Chamber of the National Assembly, advised Nigerians to see the 2023 elections as a unique opportunity to elect the right people that will sincerely work to reposition the country for greatness.

Umeh, the Ohamadike said: “It is a thing of joy to welcome you into the New Year hale and hearty. I thank God for preserving our lives despite the numerous challenges of the year 2022 and making it possible for us to crossover into a new and promising year 2023.

“This year, however, is a very important year in the history of our dear Nation. The year of another General Election in our political history. Looking back into the past two decades of the return of democracy in Nigeria, one will agree that we are not yet where we are supposed to be as a Nation. There is therefore a compelling  need to rise up and work together with one mind and purpose, to ensure that the February 25th General Election becomes the Opportunity for us  to reposition our Country by electing the proper and competent Leadership for our Nation.

“I therefore make bold to say that the Labour Party Presidential Candidate, Mr Peter Obi based on his track record in governance and management of resources, and his far-reaching experience, is the most competent candidate for the Presidential Election. Fortunately, this opinion is shared by majority of Nigerians, considering the level of support and solidarity his candidacy has garnered across the whole states of the federation especially amongst the Youth,” Umeh said in boasting of Obi being the most competent among his rivals.

Continuing, he added: “In about 55 days from today (January 1), Nigerians will have to decide the next leadership of this already sick and weak nation, I urge everyone not to vote for people who will further stagnate our progress as a Nation but to elect only people who will heal the Nation and move her forward to another level.

“To my beloved Ndị Anambra Central, I thank you all for your love and support for me in my bid to return to the Senate in the same Election through the Labour Party. I assure you of my commitment and consistency in pursuit of better welfare and equity and fairness for our people and all Nigerians if elected!

“I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year.”

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