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Six Ways To Prevent Money From Ruining Your Marriage



money ruin marriage

Money issues are so troublesome that people who say they’re experiencing stress in their relationship cite finances as the number one reason. There are various steps that experts say couples can take to avoid letting money matters get the best of their marriage.  Here are six ways to prevent money from ruining your marriage.

Set your eyes on the same priority

It’s a good reality check for a couple to sit down once a year, no matter where they are on the financial spectrum, and discuss what they are working toward.

Stop Keeping Secrets

Keeping secrets from your spouse can put you on the fast-track to marital mayhem. Unfortunately it’s not uncommon, especially when it comes to keeping secrets about money.

Give each other some breathing room

Conferring with your spouse about all of your purchases can feel very restricting – especially when you find yourself having to defend a purchase that your partner doesn’t endorse.

Come up with a system

When it comes to spending, it’s important for couples to have some ground rules in place to determine, for instance, what purchases need to be discussed ahead of time or what the reasonable spending limit is on clothing, children’s toys, food or other household items.

Don’t forget the golden rule

Treat your spouse as you would want him or her to treat you. This may seem simple and obvious, but it’s something that a lot of couples forget to do, especially the longer they’re married.

Call for reinforcements

If fights about money have hijacked your marriage and you’re coming close to pulling the plug, consider enlisting the help of a third party who can help you get back on track.

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