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Tinubu’s Media Men Attack Buhari Over Naira Redesign Broadcast



Buhari conspiracy hospitalised

Close associates of APC presidential candidate, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu have attacked President Muhammadu Buhari over his Thursday broadcast in which he ordered the recirculation of the old 200 naira notes but restricting the circulation of the old 500 and 1,000 naira notes. reports that the APC presidential candidate has been at the forefront among presidential candidates in pushing for the relaxation of the cash withdrawal policy that came in with the decision to redesign the naira.

Among those who reacted on Thursday were Sam Omatseye, a columnist with The Nation and analyst with TVC, both media outfits believed to be owned by Tinubu.

Also reacting was a member of the APC Presidential Campaign Committee, Jesutega Onakpasa who like Omatseye blasted President Buhari for supposedly lifting himself above the Supreme Court and the law.

Reacting, Omatseye said:

“What we saw in this broadcast is that the president has elevated himself above the law by saying that we can no longer use the N500 bills and N1,000 bills as legal tender whereas the Supreme Court has issued an interim order that all three notes, N200, N500, and N1,000should be used while we await the determination of the substantive suit.

“So, what the president has done is to bring a military mind set into a democratic society and to tempt Nigerian people to defy the law which is in a sense a very dangerous trend for a man who was voted in by the people and not by the army.”

Onakpasa who is a member of the media leg of the APC Presidential Campaign Council in his own reaction said:

“By insisting only the “old” 200 naira notes, and, not its 500 and 1000 naira counterparts, are legal tender, our President is most rascally attempting to exercise extrajudicial review over a pronouncement of the Supreme Court.

“That is as brazenly illegal as it gets and it is now our very President, himself, performing unconstitutionality and machinating anarchy in our country! This is just too irretrievably shameful.

“Truth is, regardless of Mr. President’s patently illegal dictats, the position of the law, as it stands, is that absolutely all denominations are legal tender!” reports that the attack on Buhari by close political associates of Tinubu over the naira policy is bound to be received with concern among party members.

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