"I've Got 5 Years To Go Before Dropping The Mic" - Basketmouth - Green White Green - gwg.ng


“I’ve Got 5 Years To Go Before Dropping The Mic” – Basketmouth



Nigerian comedian, Bright Okpocha, better known as Basketmouth, has announced that he has only five years left in the comedy industry before he retires.

The 44-year-old comedian made the announcement on his Instagram page, saying he wants to move on to the next phase of his life.

Basketmouth rose to fame in 2005 after he was discovered by Oppa Williams through his comedy show titled “Night of a Thousand Laugh”.

Since then, he has become a household name in the Nigerian entertainment industry and has performed at several comedy shows and events in Nigeria and around the world.

In his announcement, Basketmouth expressed his intention to make the most of the remaining five years he has left in the comedy industry, promising to make every single year count.

Although he did not disclose what his next phase would be, he assured his fans that it would be even more fun.

His announcement is coming shortly after his colleague and former friend, Ayo Makun revealed why they fell out.

AY had in 2022, during a question and answer session on his Instagram page, stated that Basketmouth has uncontrollable superiority complex, adding that he had to avoid his colleague’s incessant childishness to keep his sanity.

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However, in his recent interview with popular media personality Chude Jideonwo, AY shed more light on his controversial statement in 2022.

He said: “In 2006, Basketmouth usually had multiple wedding gigs on Saturdays’. So what he used to do at that point in time was to attend one, and at a point, leave the venue to catch up in the other venue, and then he will need someone else to stand in for him. That was the opportunity one got, of which I’m very appreciative of till date.

“Now, One of the gigs that I got his endorsement to go stand in. Usually, what we get at that time is N30,000 and 30,000 at that time was everything to me. I got this job, and the people weren’t too happy to see me because they were expecting Basketmouth to come, but the guy was later happy after my performance. There was an exchange of contacts. Then I left.

“Two weeks later, I haven’t seen 30k. Because I didn’t see the 30k, and I was starving, I decided to ask for 30K, and he said this person hasn’t remitted, this person hasn’t paid, And then i was like, but this person said he was impressed and happy? Me, I don’t care if you give Basketmouth 100k for the job, but my 30k is my 30k.

“It was very funny to now heard from them that the full payment had been made long before the event. I forwarded their message to one another. So they now started fighting and all of that. 1 didn’t do that because I wanted to get at Basketmouth. But because I was hungry, I was hustling and I needed food on the table at the time.”

Recall that Basketmouth, during a Black Box interview with media personality Ebuka Obi-Uchendu in 2021, noted that he fell out with AY because he messed with loyalty.

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