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World Parkinson’s Day: Five Facts About The Disease  



Parkinson's disease

World Parkinson’s Day is observed annually on April 11 to bring attention to this disease condition that leads to the degenerative condition of the neurological system.

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic condition that affects both the neurological system and the bodily components that are under the control of the nervous system.  

According to the latest data from Parkinson Foundation, over 10 million people worldwide suffer from Parkinson’s disease.

 The purpose of the day is to educate the public about the challenges that the condition presents and how understanding these challenges may help foster a healthy atmosphere.

The first World Parkinson’s Day took place in 1997. It was started by collaboration between the World Health Organisation and the European Parkinson’s Disease Association (EPDA), with the two groups having a focus on raising awareness and support for research and information surrounding prevention of and a cure for this medical condition.

Here are five facts you need to know about Parkinson disease.

Common in developed countries

The disease, which is more likely to affect men than women, is most common in developed nations and is particularly prevalent among Caucasian and Hispanic ethnic groups.

   Older people are vulnerable to attack

 The average age of onset for the disease is 60 years old, and it is commonly encountered in older persons. However, it can also happen to younger persons between the ages of 30 and 40.

    Has no cure

There is currently no known cure for Parkinson’s disease; however, there are a variety of therapies available.

    Symptoms are likely to be different in patients

Due to the complexity of the condition, each person’s symptom development is frequently a little different.    Early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include altered handwriting and loss of smell.

   Parkinson disease is not deadly

 Your life expectancy is greatly influenced by the type of Parkinson’s you have, especially given that the condition is not deadly and can be managed with exercise.

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