Six Ways To Celebrate Father’s Day - Green White Green -


Six Ways To Celebrate Father’s Day



Father’s Day is celebrated every year on the third Sunday of the sixth month. Unlike Mother’s Day, Father’s Day hardly gets the necessary attention it really deserves, despite the fact that Father’s love can never be underestimated. Here are six ways to celebrate Father’s Day this weekend.

Let him know you love him

If there’s a right time for him to be reminded about this vital piece of information, Father’s Day is just perfect. Either by text or calls, remind your Dad that he’s the absolute love of your life.

Send funds and pay some bills

 Offer to help your father with bills in the house. If there is anything that will make a father smile from ear to ear, it will be you offsetting some pending bills in the house. Father’s Day could be the best day for you to come through for your Dad.

Create a memory library

 Create an album with written memories, funny anecdotes, or inspiring quotes that remind your father of the special moments you’ve shared together.

Think of a special outing

  Father is usually known to be the planner and organisers of the household and often has to make tough decisions for the benefit of the family.  You may decide to treat your father this year to a special outing. Find out his interests and work around a location that will make him happy.

Prepare a special meal

Depending on what your father may prefer, if he is one who is not too fascinated with the outdoors.  Let him feel relaxed in the comfort of his home. Prepare his favourite dish as a surprise on Father’s Day. If you are not a great cook please get someone to help you out.

Spend quality time

This weekend is the best time to take a break and spend that quality time with your big man, especially those who are always busy.

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